1963-67 Arrow ENGINE ASSEMBLY & COMPONENTS: AIR CLEANERS, ALTERNATORS, BLOCKS, CARBURETORS, DISTRIBUTORS, EXHAUST MANIFOLDS, FUEL PUMPS, HEADS, IGNITION SHIELDING, INTAKE MANIFOLDS, STARTERS, VALVE COVERS, WATER PUMPS & MORE Arrow Ignition System - Point Type & Transistorized Ignition Distributors, Ignition Wires, Coils, Spark Plugs & Ignition Shielding Arrow Ignition Shielding: 327 Components & Complete Kits

Viewing Item:

SUPPORT - rear, spark plug wires, mounts to block, RH lower, 4 holes on 1 side

Image for item A5421 - SUPPORT - rear, spark plug wires, mounts to block, RH lower, 4 holes on 1 side
(click to view larger image)

Part Number: A5421

For Corvette years: 63-64

Price: $18.69