
1963-67 Windshield Washer System Diagram Thumbnail
1963-67 Windshield Washer System
(click to enlarge)

Rebuild Kit Diagram Thumbnail
Rebuild Kit
(click to enlarge)

Windshield Washer Pump Diagram Thumbnail
Windshield Washer Pump
(click to enlarge)

Windshield Wiper Holder Diagram Thumbnail
Windshield Wiper Holder
(click to enlarge)

B9674B967463-67ARM - windshield wiper motor, at rear drive wiper arm transmission, original49.95 
B9630B963063-66BAG KIT - washer, w/AC or 1965 396, w/cap & hose74.95 
B9634B963467 BAG KIT - washer bag w/cap & hose, w/AC74.95 
B9678B967863-67BASE PLATE - windshield washer pump, plated steel 39.95 
 B970263-67BLADE/INSERT(RUBBER) SET - generic wiper replacements (pr).13.95 
 B970163-67BLADE/INSERT(RUBBER) SET - GM wiper replacements, w/metal retainer, (pr)14.95 
B9633B963363-66BRACKET - washer bag w/air conditioning or 1965 39620.00 
B9632B963267BRACKET - washer bag, w/air conditioning. 20.00 
B9629B962963-67BRACKET - washer bottle, w/o AC31.89 
B9627B962763-67CAP - washer bottle w/o ac, no legend on cap7.55 
 B9627L63-67CAP - washer bottle w/o ac, with legend on cap WINDSHIELD WASHER FLUID ONLY7.35 
B9628B962863-67CAP - washer bag, w/air conditioning or 1965 3966.25 
G2600G260063-67CAULK - wiper transmission mount, strip type12.95 
B9692B969263-67CLIP - washer hose on firewall3.29 
B9691B969166-67CLIP - windshield washer hose, LH female hood lock2.95 
B9677B967763-67COVER - windshield washer pump, plated steel 24.95 
B9718B971863-67COVER - windshield washer pump plug area, fiber7.69 
B9617B961763-67COVER SET - wiper arm transmission, (black rubber)(pr)18.95 
B9717B971763-67DIAPHRAM/PLUNGER - washer pump, rubber17.95 
B9631B963163-67FILTER - windshield washer hose pick-up6.85 
B4030B403063-67GASKET SET - windshield washer nozzles, (pr)4.15 
B9708B970863-67GRILLE SET - wiper vents, LH & RH79.95 
B4710B471063-67GROMMET - washer/water hose firewall, (2 req.)(ea)3.29 
B9689B968963-67GROMMET - wiper motor mount, w/sleeve10.85 
 B968066EHOLDER SET - blades, Trico brushed finish, square back (recond.)(pr)  CALL
B9697B969763-65HOLDER SET - blades, Trico, bright finished, recond., (pr)89.95 
 B969866L-67HOLDER SET - blades, Trico logo [no made in USA] , brushed/satellite finish, camelback shape (reconditioned)  CALL
B9720B972063-67HOLDER SET - blades, w/rubber inserts, brushed silver, (pr)24.95 
B9614B961463-67HOSE SET - washer system, w/o air conditioning22.15 
 B961563-67HOSE SET - washer system, w/air conditioning or 1965 39621.99 
B9626B962663-67JAR/BOTTLE - washer, w/o AC25.45 
B9714B971463-67LEVER/ARM - wiper motor, rear25.29 
B9670B967063-67NOZZLE KIT - windshield washers w/nuts & washers. correct w/adjustible brass jets69.95 
B9613B961363-67NOZZLE SET w/gaskets - windshield washer, non-adjustable, (pr)23.85 
B9716B971663-67NUT & LOCK WASHER SET - windshield washer nozzles, (2 pr)2.74 
B8634B863463-67NUT - wiper switch9.89 
B9713B971363-67NUT W/GASKETS- wiper motor lever retainer, flange type2.19 
B9672B967263-67REBUILD KIT - washer pump, standard w/90 degree white nozzle ends w/ bellows31.95 
 B967163-67REBUILD KIT - washer pump, standard w/90 degree white nozzle ends w/o bellows25.95 
B9668B966863-67RETAINER - wiper motor rod5.85 
 B971163-67RIVET SET - air conditioning or 1965 396, washer bag bracket to inner fender, (3 pc.)1.95 
B9707B970763-67RIVET SET - washer bottle bracket to inner fender, w/o AC, (3 pc.)1.75 
 B344063-67SCREW & NUT KIT - wiper vent grilles, (8 pc.)6.35 
B9610B961063-67SCREW & WASHER SET - wiper motor & pivot arm mount, (10 pc.)7.69 
B9685B968563-67SEAL - rear drive/transmission, on wiper motor [DISCONTINUED] NLA10.95 
B2928B292863-67SEAL - wiper motor, to firewall5.95 
B9669B966963-67SPACER - wiper push rod, (rubber)5.25 
B8621B862163-64SWITCH - wiper63.25 
B8631B863165-66SWITCH - wiper64.95 
B8633B863367SWITCH - wiper119.95 
A9788A978863-67TOOL - windshield wiper arm removal15.95 
B9619B961963-67WASHER PUMP ASSEMBLY - windshield wiper motor, recond., w/all steel parts replated & correct nozzle end, R&R ONLY - WE MUST HAVE YOUR PUMP TO SERVICE! NO OUTRIGHT SALES OR EXCHANGES... (Exchange item or $165.00 core charge)149.95 
B9696B969663-65WIPER ARM SET/WINDSHIELD WIPERS - polished / correct reproduction, pr224.00 
B0882B088263-64WIPER MOTOR & WASHER PUMP - #5044518 restored, no core charge895.00 
 B0881C65-67WIPER MOTOR & WASHER PUMP - #5044602 restored, no core charge895.00 
B9675B967563-67WIPER MOTOR W/PUMP RESTORATION - of your motor394.95 
B0045B004563-67WIPER MOTOR W/PUMP RESTORATION - survivor restoration of your motor394.95 
B0891B089163-67WIPER MOTOR & PUMP RESTORED - identical to original but not numbers matching, no core required549.95