1968-82 Arrow MIRRORS Arrow Interior



Interior Mirror Detail Diagram Thumbnail
Interior Mirror Detail
(click to enlarge)

C6438C643868-76BALL STUD/SUPPORT - inside mirror25.95 
C6442C644268-75BRACKET - interior mirror and convertible striker plate on windshield frame, satellite finish, convertible46.85 
C6440C644068-76BRACKET - interior mirror and convertible striker plate on windshield frame, coupe43.95 
C6471C647168-76COVER - rear view mirror bracket, vinyl, specify color34.95 Specify Color
B6499B649968-73GLASS/PRISM MIRROR - day/night, glass only51.75 
B6439B643968-71MIRROR - day/night, 10", replacement46.25 
B6436B643668-72MIRROR - inside day/night - excellant reproduction57.95 
C6475C647572-73MIRROR - day/night, black, 8", grained vinyl finish w/black rubber trim w/o map light62.45 
 C646076-82MIRROR - 10" glare proof, tilt75.80 
 C640068-75MOUNT KIT - interior mirror, convert. (incl. C6442, C6438, C6446) 78.25 
 C640168-76MOUNT KIT - interior mirror, coupe (incl. C6440, C6438, C6446)42.50 
C6480C648079-82MIRROR / VANITY - right hand sun visor w/color coordinated cover and switch117.95 Specify Color
 B644068-72ERESTORATION SERVICE - interior mirror, day/night, original w/new glass (exch.)85.00 
C6446C644668-76RETAINER/CLAMP - inside mirror ball stud34.95 
B3471B347168-76SCREW - inside mirror to support, (ea)4.95 
C6441C644168-76SCREW - inside mirror to support1.00 
 C643768-76SCREW - mirror support ball stud1.25 
B3472B347268-72SCREW SET - inside mirror support to header, (2 pc.)2.25 
C6470C647077-82SUPPORT - mirror, mounts to windshield8.25