1963-67 Arrow EMBLEMS



F.I. and Side Emblems Diagram Thumbnail
F.I. and Side Emblems
(click to enlarge)

Nose Emblems Diagram Thumbnail
Nose Emblems
(click to enlarge)

Side and Rear Emblems Diagram Thumbnail
Side and Rear Emblems
(click to enlarge)

B2723B272363-65EMBLEM - "Corvette", rear deck lid57.95 
B2722B272263-65EMBLEM - "Corvette", rear deck, show quality62.45 
B2724B272466-67EMBLEM - "Corvette", 66 on hood, 66-67 rear deck lid159.95 
B2726B272663-65EMBLEM - "crossed flags", fuel injection plenum cover69.50 
B2702B270263-64EMBLEM - "crossed flags", nose55.10 
B2751B275165EMBLEM - "crossed flags", nose, show quality, red rectangle on flag66.95 
B2752B275266EMBLEM - "crossed flags", nose, show quality, maroon rectangle on flag73.30 
B2706B270667EMBLEM - "crossed flags", nose65.87 
A2740A274063EEMBLEM SET - "crossed flags", side fender, front (Sept. 62 only) (pr)57.95 
B2712B271263L-66EMBLEM SET - "crossed flags", side fender, show quality, (pr)84.65 
B2714B271463-64EMBLEM - "Fuel Injection", side fender, (2 req.)(ea)42.50 
B2716B271665EMBLEM - "Fuel Injection", side fender, (2 req.)(ea)34.95 
B2728B272867EMBLEM - hood number "2"20.00 
B2727B272767EMBLEM - hood number "4"20.00 
B2729B272967EMBLEM - hood number "7"16.50 
B2730B273067EMBLEM SET - "427" hood numbers, (6 pc.)42.95 
B2718B271865EMBLEM SET - "396", side fender, w/nuts, (pr)115.95 
B2720B272066EMBLEM SET - "427", side fender w/nuts117.12 
B2731B273165EMBLEM SET - "Fuel Injection", side fender, show quality, (pr)94.00 
B9408B940865-66EMBLEM SET - hub cap spinner, on checkered flag, upper LH corner is white, (4 pc.)37.95 
B2762B276263NUT SET - emblems & hood grilles7.80 
B2763B276364NUT SET - emblems4.50 
B2764B276465NUT SET - emblems4.95 
B2765B276566NUT SET - emblems7.35 
B2766B276667NUT SET - emblems w/3273.50 
B2767B276767NUT SET - emblems w/42712.09 
 B271563-64NUT SET - nose emblem mounting, large pin, (3 pc.)1.25 
 B271765-66NUT SET - nose emblem mounting, small pin, (3 pc.)1.45 
 B271967NUT SET - nose emblem mounting, small pin, (2 pc.)1.10 
 B270163-67NUT SET - rear emblem mounting, (5 pc.)1.75